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Quality Management

Health Promotion

Our pursuit of Quality is evident by the numerous Awards that we have won through time.

In  Our Hospital

At Base Hospital Puttlam promoting health and well-being to our community to be responsible for their own health and to spread the knowledge around is an essential part of our duty.


At Base Hospital Puttalam we believe that Quality Management provides a framework to help hospitals organize for, communicate about , monitor and continuously improve all aspects of healthcare delivery.


As a hospital we constanly encourage patients to speak up if they have concerns about their care, and services and then use their feedback to improve upon.

It provides both O.P.D. and in-ward care. Average daily O.P.D. turnover is 700 and the average daily admission rate is 150.


The bed strength of this hospital is 347.


It has many units, 50 in numbers including wards of specialties such as medical wards, surgical wards, gynecological and obstratics ward, dental unit and administrative block.

In Base Hospital Puttalam, we believe it is vital to incude and involve patients in Safety Improvement.

Medical errors may occur in different health care settings, and those that happen in hospitals can have serious consequences.


In Base Hospital Puttalam, we made it our mission to eliminate such errors to provide a more reliable service for the patients.



Safety Improvement

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